Nurtured Minds & Futures
April 2024

Numurkah-based psychology therapy clinic, Nurtured Minds & Futures, recognised the profound impact a well-crafted website could have in extending their reach and fostering connection within the community.

Under the compassionate leadership of Billi Fasano, Nurtured Minds & Futures specialises in providing tailored psychology and well-being support to young people and adults in Numurkah and surrounding areas who are navigating mental health challenges and disabilities. 

With a focus on understanding the client's mission and values, Mad Web Skills began a collaboration that emerged in the form of a high-performance website, meticulously engineered to not only meet but exceed contemporary standards of digital excellence.

Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and best practices, the new website achieved near-perfect scores in Google Lighthouse assessments. For the uninitiated, Google Lighthouse serves as a comprehensive auditing tool, assessing various aspects of a website's performance, accessibility, and user experience. Attaining near-flawless ratings in these evaluations not only underscores the technical prowess of the website but also positions it favourably in the eyes of search engine algorithms.

Integral to Nurtured Minds & Futures' rebranding journey was the creation of a distinctive visual identity, manifested in a bespoke logo meticulously crafted to Billi's exact specifications. Collaborating seamlessly with a network of graphic design professionals, Mad Web Skills facilitated the realisation of Billi's vision, ensuring that every element of the logo encapsulated the essence and ethos of Nurtured Minds & Futures.

Moreover, recognising the evolving landscape of digital service provision, Mad Web Skills introduced a new subscription model, eschewing the conventional upfront costs in favour of a cost-effective monthly subscription. This innovative approach empowers clients like Billi with the flexibility and agility needed to amplify their digital footprint without the burden of technical intricacies. By bundling web hosting and unlimited basic updates into a single, transparent package, Mad Web Skills effectively positions itself as an indispensable ally, akin to an in-house web management resource. 

Through a collaborative journey of creativity and expertise, our partnership has crafted a high-performing website dedicated to excellence in tailored psychology therapy, specialized diagnostic assessments, and innovative NDIS support services.


  • Custom website design: Tailored to reflect Nurtured Minds & Futures' new brand identity and compassionate ethos.
  • Super-fast loading speed: Optimized for quick access to information, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Perfect scores in SEO, performance, and best practices: Leveraging industry-leading techniques to enhance visibility and accessibility across search engines, while adhering to best practices for optimal performance.
  • Excellent accessibility: Ensuring inclusivity by implementing accessibility features at a code-level that cater to diverse user needs, fostering an environment of inclusivity and accessibility.
  • Hassle-free updates: Provided under a low-cost subscription model, offering web hosting and unlimited basic updates, empowering the clinic to focus on their core mission without the burden of complex website management.
  • Responsive design: Ensuring a seamless experience across devices, from desktops to smartphones, allowing users to access vital information anytime, anywhere.
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