I've been to Web Directions for the last couple of years and every time I walk away with not only new ideas, but renewed enthusiasm to get stuff done and innovate. (That's not to say that stuff will actually get done, but it feels great!)
It's Web Directions time again! Man, I love this conference.
This year I won't get to hang with Travis, who I met at WDS06 (back when it was just WD06) as he's currently jet-setting across the US of A, so if you see me kicking about on my own, please come over and say hi.
The funny thing is that its only around the time of Web Directions that I really get interested in social networking on the web. My Facebook page gets more active, there's more tweets flying across the place and the Flickr account gets dusted off in anticipation. (I've got a nice new camera, so there's no excuses.)
But also, as with every year around this time, I get the same regrets. This year's regrets include:
I'm currently in a mad rush to try and get all current work off my plate so I don't have to worry about anything next week, so I'll see you at Web Directions.
PS. I found some notes I'd taken from WDS07 that I never got around to posting. I'll pop them online and back-date it to last year if I get time.
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